About Us
The Harvard Move Lab is building a future where physical ability or advancing age are not the primary limiters for a person’s employment, recreation, and connection to community.
Innovations that promise human performance enhancement are increasingly mature enough for real-life applications, but they require specialized support to make the leap from basic research to the market. We are assembling the tools, space, expertise, and relationships necessary to launch new ventures and bring these innovations to life.
Centered at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Next to Harvard Business School (HBS) and Harvard Innovation Labs, the Move Lab is part of a strong innovation ecosystem in Allston. Within Harvard, the Move Lab is a nexus for diverse groups from SEAS, HBS, Harvard Medical School (HMS) and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS). Beyond Harvard, the Move Lab forges deep collaborations with Boston University, Massachusetts General Hospital, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, and other premier institutions. Such collaborations are essential to identify clear clinical challenges, perform human subject research, and access the infrastructure necessary to run large clinical trials.
Our faculty are leaders in their fields
Many have moved research from conception, through intensive human studies, to clinical trials and new ventures. These journeys have turned students, postdocs and staff members into Product Leaders, CEOs, and CTOs. With initial support for translational research from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, we know how important experienced staff, flexible resources, and clinical research teams are to successfully incubating entrepreneurial teams. We also know the importance of training leaders in innovation and entrepreneurship and providing them the opportunity to move with technology that transfers to an industry partner like ReWalk Robotics or spins out into a startup like RightHand Robotics and Verve Motion.
our supporters
Current efforts have been made possible through seed investments from Harvard SEAS and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Our new lab is housed in the Provost’s Innovation Space at Harvard’s Science and Engineering Complex. The Harvard Move Lab is actively seeking additional funding, industry partnerships, collaborators with new projects, and enthusiastic team members. Please contact us to get involved.
CONOR WALSH | Faculty Director | walsh@seas.harvard.edu
Contact Us
We are actively seeking additional support and collaborators. Contact us to get involved!
CONOR WALSH | Faculty Director | walsh@seas.harvard.edu
Harvard Science & Engineering Complex
150 Western Ave.
Boston, MA 02134